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Charlie Chaplin - Mabels Strange Predicament (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin - Mabels Strange Predicament (Laurel & Hardy)
105 689
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----- In a hotel lobby a heavily drunk tramp runs into an elegant lady, Mabel, who gets tied up in her dog's leash, and falls down. He later runs into her in the hotel corridor, locked out of her room. They run through various rooms. Mabel ends up in the room of an elderly husband where she hides under the bed. Enter the jealous wife, who soon attacks Mabel, her husband, and Mabel's lover, not to mention the staggeringly drunken tramp.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - Making a Living - Color

Charlie Chaplin - Making a Living - Color
7 847
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----- Der Schwindler Chaplin versucht, von einem Passanten, gespielt von Regisseur Henry Lehrman, Geld zu ergaunern. Wenig später hält Chaplin um die Hand einer jungen Dame an. Dabei wird er von Lehrman überrascht und es kommt zu einer Schlägerei, aus der Chaplin als Sieger hervorgeht.
Als Chaplin sich um die Stelle eines Zeitungsreporters bewirbt, begegnet er erneut seinem Gegner, der für die Redaktion als Reporter tätig ist. Lehrmann filmt zwar einen spektakulären Autounfall, aber Chaplin stiehlt ihm die Kamera. Das Fotomaterial macht ihn zum Starreporter, aber bald kommt es zu einer wilden Schlägerei zwischen Chaplin und Lehrman.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - Rainy Day (Laurel & Hardy) COLORIZATION

Charlie Chaplin - Rainy Day (Laurel & Hardy) COLORIZATION
87 117
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----- Chaplin and Sterling play two young men, Masher and Rival Masher, who fight over the chance to help a young woman (Clifton) cross a muddy street. Sterling first sees the woman trying to cross and offers her an umbrella he stole from a policeman. He asks her to wait for him as he goes to get something to help her. Chaplin comes along and offers the woman to help her cross the street as well and wait for his return. While Sterling and Chaplin go to get logs, a policeman (Conklin) lifts the woman across the street. When Sterling returns with the log, he is indignant that the woman did not wait for him to come back to help her cross the muddy street and demands the umbrella back. When the woman refuses, they engage in a fight which eventually involves Chaplin.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - Sunnyside - 1919 - color

Charlie Chaplin - Sunnyside - 1919 - color
4 605 539
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----- Charlie Chaplin - Sunnyside - 1919 - color
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - The Adventurer (Laurel & Hardy) Colorization

Charlie Chaplin - The Adventurer (Laurel & Hardy) Colorization
16 343
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----- Charlie Chaplin plays an escaped convict from the state penitentiary who, clad in his striped prison uniform, is on the run from prison guards. He skillfully and athletically manages to elude a handful of guards at a rocky seashore, eventually making his escape by entering the water. Charlie opportunistically happens upon a man in a rowboat who is preparing for a swim. Charlie steals the man's swimsuit and heads to shore. He hears cries for help as a woman (Edna Purviance), her mother, and the woman's suitor (Eric Campbell) have all fallen into the water and are poor swimmers. Charlie rescues them all, but carelessly allows the enormous suitor to fall back into the water while he is attempting to carry him on a stretcher. Charlie rescues him once again, but the angry suitor kicks Charlie senseless into the water. Charlie wakes up in a bedroom in the lavish home of the grateful girl and her mother. He is wearing striped pajamas and for a moment he believes he is back in prison. He identifies himself as a yachtsman and is given a set of evening clothes to wear to a party. Charlie's luck begins to run out, however. The girl's father turns out to be the judge who sentenced Charlie to a prison term. Charlie looks vaguely familiar to the judge, but he cannot quite place him. The suitor, now especially miffed at Charlie because of the attention the girl is giving him, sees Charlie's photo in a newspaper as a prison escapee. Meanwhile, a house employee is feeding her beau a meal in the kitchen; the beau happens to be one of the guards who was chasing Charlie on the beach. The suitor summons the authorities who pursue Charlie on a merry chase up and down the two-story house where Charlie's acrobatic skills save him from arrest several times. Just as it looks like Charlie will finally be apprehended, he cleverly escapes again and the chase is renewed.
The film also stars Henry Bergman and Albert Austin, and marked the final film of his co-star Eric Campbell who died on December 20, 1917 in a drunk driving accident.[1] Campbell, who was 37 at the time of his death, had appeared in 11 comedies with Chaplin in 1916 and 1917.
Toraichi Kono, who was Chaplin's personal chauffeur for many years, plays a small part in the film. He was aptly cast as the chauffeur of the girl and her mother.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - The Bank (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin - The Bank (Laurel & Hardy)
37 886
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----- Charlie, feeling very important, enters the bank where he works. He descends to the vault and works its combination with great panache and opens the door. Charlie hangs his coat inside the vault and brings out his mop and bucket signifying he is the bank's janitor. He causes typical havoc with his mop and then with his broom. Charlie discovers a package with a note attached to it written by the bank's stenographer. It is addressed "To Charles with love from Edna." Charlie jumps to the wrong conclusion that Edna is in love with him, not realizing the package is intended for another Charles—the cashier. Charlie gets a bunch of flowers and places them lovingly on Edna's desk. When Edna realizes they are from the janitor, she coldly tosses them into the wastebasket. Charlie finds them there and is heartbroken. Charlie then has a dream in which he heroically thwarts a bank robbery, rescuing Edna in the process. He turns to kiss the now-adoring Edna—but then he wakes up. Charlie is kissing his mop—while Edna is kissing her cashier boyfriend.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - The Bank - color (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin - The Bank - color (Laurel & Hardy)
54 526
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Charlie, feeling very important, enters the bank where he works. He descends to the vault and works its combination with great panache and opens the door. Charlie hangs his coat inside the vault and brings out his mop and bucket signifying he is the bank's janitor. He causes typical havoc with his mop and then with his broom. Charlie discovers a package with a note attached to it written by the bank's stenographer. It is addressed "To Charles with love from Edna." Charlie jumps to the wrong conclusion that Edna is in love with him, not realizing the package is intended for another Charles—the cashier. Charlie gets a bunch of flowers and places them lovingly on Edna's desk. When Edna realizes they are from the janitor, she coldly tosses them into the wastebasket. Charlie finds them there and is heartbroken. Charlie then has a dream in which he heroically thwarts a bank robbery, rescuing Edna in the process. He turns to kiss the now-adoring Edna—but then he wakes up. Charlie is kissing his mop—while Edna is kissing her cashier boyfriend.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

CHARLIE CHAPLIN - THE BOND (Laurel & Hardy) color

CHARLIE CHAPLIN - THE BOND (Laurel & Hardy) color
4 965
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----- CHARLIE CHAPLIN - THE BOND (Laurel & Hardy)
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - The Champion (Laurel & Hardy) color

Charlie Chaplin - The Champion (Laurel & Hardy) color
6 903
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Charlie Chaplin - The Champion (Laurel & Hardy) color #CharlieChaplin
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - The Champion COLORIZATION (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin - The Champion COLORIZATION (Laurel & Hardy)
12 172
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Note: Copyright issues are an important matter to us! We use content that has been licensed. if you feel your copyright is infringened, please send us an email so we can handle this directly. In this comedy, Charlie Chaplin has a companion--a pet bulldog. Walking along a street with his bulldog, Charlie finds a "good luck" horseshoe just as he passes the training camp of an enormous fighter named Spike Dugan. Outside the camp is a large, painted advertisement which states Dugan is seeking sparring partners "who can take a punch." After watching other better fighters be soundly beaten by Dugan, Charlie decides his best bet is to put the horseshoe inside his boxing glove. Using the loaded glove, Charlie connects with a solid punch and wins. The trainer prepares Charlie to fight the world champion. A gambler wants Charlie to throw the fight. He and the trainer's daughter fall in love.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин
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