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Battlefield Bad Company 2 Игрофильм

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Игрофильм
25 886
Монтированное прохождение игры Battlefield Bad Company 2.
Во время второй мировой Японией было разработано сильнейшее оружие, спец отряду поручили захватить изобретателя. Учёный похищен и подлодка отправляется домой, но оставленное позади оружие активируется и сильнейший сейсмический толчок сметает всё...
Наши дни, Россия и США в состоянии войны и Америка уже находится в окружении своего врага, но события прошлого дадут о себе знать.
Категория: Фантастика

Begegnung im All (1963) deutsch

Begegnung im All (1963) deutsch
202 566
Das Raumschiff einer außerirdischen Zivilisation will die Erde besuchen und muss aufgrund eines technischen Defekts auf dem Mars notlanden. Eine irdische Hilfsexpedition verliert bei der Rettung ein Besatzungsmitglied. Schließlich stellt sich heraus, dass die ganze Handlung ein Traum Tanjas ist, die Kosmonautin werden möchte.
Film «Begegnung im All», produktion Studio fur Spielfilme Odessa (Odesa Film Studio), 1963 (Englische Untertitel).
Originaltitel - Metschte Nawstretschu/Мечте навстречу (Verwirklichung eines Traumes).
Drehbuch - A.Berdnik, J.Bondin, M.Karjukow.
Kamera - A.Gerassimow.
Musik - Wano Muradeli, Eduard Artemjew.
Regie - Michail Karjukow, Otar Koberidze.
In den Hauptrollen:
Tanjia - L.Gordeitschuk (Dietlind Stahl);
Paul - A.Genessin (Kurt Kachlicki);
Batalow - O.Koberidze (Georg Solga);
Andrei - B.Borissjenok (Gerhard Paul);
Krylov - N.Timofejew (Fred Alexander);
Kommandeur - P.Schmakow (Eugen-Peter Herden);
Sprecher - W.Janpawlis (Gerry Wolff).
Dialog der deutschen Fassung - Harald Thiemann.
Regie - Irene Mahkich.
Schnitt - Helga Nauendorf.
Ton - Charlotte Nickel.
Teile der Spezialeffekte des Films sowie Elemente der Erzählung wurden 1966 für den US-amerikanischen Film Queen of Blood verwendet.
Der Film wurde vom DEFA-Studio für Synchronisation, Atelier Weimar, synchronisiert.
Der Film wurde 2009 von Icestorm Entertainment auf DVD ediert.
Abonniere unseren Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/user/OdessAnimationStudio/
Viel Spaß!
#MichailKarjukow #WanoMuradeli #EduardArtemjew
Категория: ДрамаСоветские

Ben Turpin: The Wrong House (Laurel & Hardy) HD

Ben Turpin: The Wrong House (Laurel & Hardy) HD
2 338
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Ben Turpin: The Wrong House (Laurel & Hardy) HD
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Best of Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy) Color/ Colori

Best of Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy) Color/ Colori
13 393
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Best of Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy) Color/ Colori
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Best Of Charlie Chaplin II in Color/ Colorization (Laurel & Hardy) Color/ Sound

Best Of Charlie Chaplin II in Color/ Colorization (Laurel & Hardy) Color/ Sound
2 143 869
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Best Of Charlie Chaplin II in Color/ Colorization (Laurel & Hardy): Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin KBE (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977) was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. He became a worldwide icon through his screen persona, "The Tramp", and is considered one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry. His career spanned more than 75 years, from childhood in the Victorian era until a year before his death in 1977, and encompassed both adulation and controversy.
Chaplin's childhood in London was one of poverty and hardship, as his father was absent and his mother struggled financially, and he was sent to a workhouse twice before the age of nine. When he was 14, his mother was committed to a mental asylum. Chaplin began performing at an early age, touring music halls and later working as a stage actor and comedian. At 19, he was signed to the prestigious Fred Karno company, which took him to America. He was scouted for the film industry and began appearing in 1914 for Keystone Studios. He soon developed the Tramp persona and formed a large fan base. He directed his own films and continued to hone his craft as he moved to the Essanay, Mutual, and First National corporations. By 1918, he was one of the best-known figures in the world.
In 1919, Chaplin co-founded the distribution company United Artists, which gave him complete control over his films. His first feature-length film was The Kid (1921), followed by A Woman of Paris (1923), The Gold Rush (1925), and The Circus (1928). He refused to move to sound films in the 1930s, instead producing City Lights (1931) and Modern Times (1936) without dialogue. He became increasingly political, and his next film, The Great Dictator, (1940) satirized Adolf Hitler. The 1940s were a decade marked with controversy for Chaplin, and his popularity declined rapidly. He was accused of communist sympathies, while he created scandal through his involvement in a paternity suit and his marriages to much younger women. An FBI investigation was opened, and Chaplin was forced to leave the United States and settle in Switzerland. He abandoned the Tramp in his later films, which include Monsieur Verdoux (1947), Limelight (1952), A King in New York (1957), and A Countess from Hong Kong (1967).
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

BEYOND - sci-fi short film | Joe Penna

BEYOND - sci-fi short film | Joe Penna
1 912 564
A multi-era tale of immortality and time-travel.
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Directed By:
Joe Penna

Written By:
Joe Penna
Ryan Morrison

Executive Producer: Joe Penna, Sarah Penna, Byron Ashley
Production Manager: Michael Green
Producer: Karolyn Szot
1st AD: Ryan Morrison
2nd AD: Karolyn Szot
Director of Photography: Jan Michael-Losada
THE IMMORTAL: Ray Trickitt
WADE: Circus-Szalewski
CECILIA: Jade Harlow
AVA: Amanda Christensen
TV HOST: Jay Jackson
CARTER: Chidi Ajufo
WARNER: Michael Reed
BANKER: Jason Horton
BENEDICT: Emilio Palame
YOUNG FRENCH WOMAN: Cassidi Leigh Parker
CHILD MONK: Brayden Ferrell
STEWARDESS: Debby Gerber
STEWARDESS 2: Leeron Amiel
CYPRA BOSS: Shawn Boyd
CUSTODIAN: Jim Donnelly
DOCTOR: Jason Paul Field
MUGGER: Vlad Varro
YOUNG WADE: Kellen Ford
Mahedi Rakib
Lan Doan
Elizabeth Betta
Mason Hankins
Elena Choo
Meredith Thomas
Dennis Pastorizo
K. Cameron Lau
Harry Lands
Bogdan Szumilas
Annie Hardin
Robert Artz
Claudia Montano
Louwra Preyser
Michael Lofgren
Jon Henri Matteau
Kenn Schmidt
Alex Roth
Monique Gelineau
AJ Knight
Joey Lewis
Bea Reyes
John Rodiger
Patrice Gibbs
Christopher Baiza
Rebecca Grimes
Jorge Piano
Linnea Snyderman
Ana Vukicevic
Brian Thompson
1st AC: Ryan Magrish
2nd AC/DIT: Alex Delvecchio, Allyson Laquian
Gaffer: Tyler Hart
Key Grip: John Mijares
Best Boy Grip: Sean Delahunt,Trent Turner, Michael Perry, Kirill Iakimetc
Best Boy Electric: Dyron Pacheco, Joel Sutherland, Marcos Valadez, Tom Peake, Ivan Herrera
Dyron Pacheco
Trent Turner
Sean Delahunt
Production Sound Mixer: Terrence Mulhern
Boom Operator: James Little
Production Designer / Set Decorator: Eddie Inda
Art Director: Brian Hilburn
On-Set Dresser: Mackenzie Stetzler
Prop Master: Steven Alfaro
Key Hair and Makeup Artist: Trista Metz
Special Makeup Effects Artist: Douglas Murphy
Special Make Effects Artist: Eric Fox
Assistant Hair and Makeup Artist: Erika Diehl, Sioux Sinclair, Mo Meinhart, Stephanie Quinn
Lens Tech: Sava Markovic
Costume Designer: Jennifer Garnet Filo

Production Assistants:
Patrick Burke
Erica Castillo
Micah Conrad
Editor: Ryan Morrison
Music Composer: Gabriel Hays, James Frank
Sound Designer: Gerardo Montejo
Audio Post-Production and Mixing: Sticky Notes
Re-Recording Mixer: Steven Cahill
Sound Assistant: Aaron Bartscht
Colorist: Loren White
Ryan Morrison
Micah Conrad
Latin Consultant:
Marcel Losada
Sarah Van Der Pas
French Consultant: Paul Revet
Special Thanks:
Youtube Space LA
Tanner Thomason
Creative Artists Agency | Frank Jung
Historical Society of Southern California | Lummis Home
City of Los Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks
Alison Ivosevich
Samhain Contact Lenses | Chuck Silva
Imagineer Systems | Mary Poplin
Red Giant
Zazil Media Group: Megan Linebarger
Secret letter: G
Категория: Фантастика

Billy West (as Chaplin) & Babe Hardy: Love Nelly (Laurel & Hardy) Color

Billy West (as Chaplin) & Babe Hardy: Love Nelly (Laurel & Hardy) Color
13 654
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Known as Roy B. Weisberg (or Weissberg[1]) in the Russian Empire to a Jewish family, West emigrated to Chicago with his family in 1896.[2][3] He appeared in many short films, first in Apartment No. 13 in 1912. In 1917 movie theaters could not get enough Charlie Chaplin comedies, and an enterprising producer hired West, who had been doing comic pantomimes on the vaudeville stage, to make imitation-Chaplin subjects to meet the demand. West, wearing the identical "tramp" costume and makeup, copied Chaplin's movements and gestures so accurately that he is often mistaken for the genuine performer. Reportedly, Chaplin himself saw the Billy West company filming on a Hollywood street once, and told West, "You're a damned good imitator." Some West comedies were later re-released on the home-movie market as "Charlie Chaplin" pictures. Most of the West comedies of 1917–18 resembled the Chaplin comedies of 1916–17, with Oliver Hardy approximating the villainy of Eric Campbell, and Leatrice Joy in the Edna Purviance ingenue role.
In 1922 West became his own producer, and dropped the Chaplin imitation in favor of a dapper, straw-hatted, pencil-mustached character. Moving behind the cameras in 1925, West produced a brief series of slapstick comedies co-starring the fat-and-skinny team of Oliver "Babe" Hardy and Bobby Ray, and a series of "Winnie Winkle" comedies with Ethelyn Gibson.
West took small roles in sound films, first for small independent companies and later for Columbia Pictures. He became manager of the Columbia Grill restaurant.[4] He died July 21, 1975, of a heart attack while leaving the Hollywood Park racetrack in Hollywood, California.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Billy West (as Charlie Chaplin) & Oliver Hardy: He 's In Again - color (Laurel & Hardy)

Billy West (as Charlie Chaplin) & Oliver Hardy: He 's In Again - color (Laurel & Hardy)
71 060
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Director: Charley Chase
Producer: Milton Cohen
Writer: Vincent Bryan
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

BLADE of TIME ИГРОФИЛЬМ прохождение без комментариев сюжет фэнтези

BLADE of TIME ИГРОФИЛЬМ прохождение без комментариев сюжет фэнтези
82 862
Сайт ИГРОФИЛЬМОВ - https://parafragoff.ru/
Группа ddmasterpro в КОНТАКТЕ - https://vk.com/club126194660
Группа ddmasterpro в ОДНОКЛАССНИКАХ - https://ok.ru/group/53973607972943
Донат - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/parafragoff_cinema
Спонсорская подписка - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiGPsSBWj-I1mgEOQ-O3jQ/join
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Игрофильм по мотивам игры BLADE of TIME
Сюжет. Аюми — бесстрашная охотница за сокровищами, она ловкий и сильный воин. Её сопровождает друг - брутальный силач Зеро, управляющийся с огромным двуручником как с тростинкой. В поисках ценных трофеев девушка отправляется на таинственный и, конечно же, полный опасностей остров через особую сферу. Как выяснилось, это место богато не только сокровищами — здесь столкнулись в противоборстве силы Хаоса и Небесных Стражей. Помимо этого на остров угодила целая команда солдат удачи во главе с Мишель, коллегой и конкуренткой Аюми. А скоро Аюми поймет, что остров скрывает множество древних тайн и может подарить множество навыков и способностей. Заручившись поддержкой Духа Драконов, девушка должна найти способ расправиться с целой армией кровожадных злодеев, избежать множества хитроумных смертельных ловушек, спасти друзей и вырваться из цепких объятий мистического острова. фантастика боевик
Категория: Боевик

BORIS GODUNOV - Nesterenko, Arkhipova - Bolshoi, 1978, English subtitles, Годунов, Большой

BORIS GODUNOV - Nesterenko, Arkhipova - Bolshoi, 1978, English subtitles, Годунов, Большой
139 536
This epic opera based on Pushkin's play is notoriously difficult to stage in the West. Powerful music is inseparable from as powerful classic Russian, language carrying the same load as notes. This version from Bolshoi may be the best forging of the two existing on video, and Godunov of Nesterenko is one of the starkest 'Pushkin magnitude' interpretations of the role. Timing below.
Grigory Otrepyev (False Dimitrii) - VLADISLAV PIAVKO
Marina Mnishek - IRINA ARKHIPOVA
Prince Shuiskii - ANDREY SOKOLOV
Tsarevich Fyodor - GLAFIRA KOROLEVA
Tsarevna Xenia - GALINA KALININA
Father Varlaam - ARTUR EIZEN
Music: Modest Mussorgsky
15:05 - The Coronation Scene (Red Square; Godunov, boyars, chorus - Сцена коронации)
19:22 - My soul is sad... (Monologue of Godunov- Скорбит душа...)
24:21 - One more, the final record, and my annals are ended... (Chudov Monastery; Pimen, Grigory - Еще одно, последнее сказанье)
40:27 - The Inn Scene (Lithuanian Border; the Innkeeper, Grigory, Varlaam - Cцена в корчме)
1:01:11 - The Scene in the Tsar's Palaces (Godunov, Fyodor, Xenia, the Nurse, Shuiskii - Сцена в царских палатах)
1:11:33 - I have achieved supreme power... (Monologue of Godunov - Достиг я высшей власти...)
1:30:34 - The Polish Scene (Castle of Voevoda Mniszech; Grigory, Marina, chorus - Польские картины)
1:49:26 - The Holy Fool Scene (Square before a Cathedral in Moscow; Godunov, The Holy Fool, chorus - Сцена c Юродивым)
1:59:19 - The Scene in the Forest (Varlaam, Misail, Grigory, chorus - Сцена в лесу)
2:16:37 - The Death of Tsar Boris (The Cremlin; Godunov, Shuiskii, Fiodor, chorus - Смерть Царя Бориса)
2:30:58 - Farewell, my son, I am dying... (The final monologue of Godunov - Прощай, мой сын, умираю я...)
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