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The Bond - Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy) colorization HD - alternative version

The Bond - Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy) colorization HD - alternative version
2 831
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Note: Copyright issues are an important matter to us! We use content that has been licensed. if you feel your copyright is infringened, please send us an email so we can handle this directly. The Bond - Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy) colorization
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

The Champion - Charlie Chaplin - B/w-Version (Laurel & Hardy)

The Champion - Charlie Chaplin - B/w-Version (Laurel & Hardy)
1 863 679
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Note: Copyright issues are an important matter to us! We use content that has been licensed. if you feel your copyright is infringened, please send us an email so we can handle this directly. Walking along with his bulldog, Charlie finds a "good luck" horseshoe just as he passes a training camp advertising for a boxing partner "who can take a beating." After watching others lose...
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

The Champion - Charlie Chaplin - Color Version (Laurel & Hardy)

The Champion - Charlie Chaplin - Color Version (Laurel & Hardy)
26 897 713
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Note: Copyright issues are an important matter to us! We use content that has been licensed. if you feel your copyright is infringened, please send us an email so we can handle this directly. Walking along with his bulldog, Charlie finds a "good luck" horseshoe just as he passes a training camp advertising for a boxing partner "who can take a beating." After watching others lose...
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault On Dark Athena - Game Movie

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault On Dark Athena - Game Movie
5 368 926
This is a story-based video of the game "The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena" in the movie style:
◾️ I made my own cutscenes using a third-person view and camera angles that are not available during walkthrough.
◾️ Some scenes are created using voice files (the voice of Riddick and other characters), unpacked from the game’s resources (they are not used in the game). So we got completely new scenes.
◾️ In addition, I completely removed the interface of the game, recorded the gameplay in a role-style, and edited sounds and music.
◾️ Added external english subtitles.
❗️The production of such a video takes a lot of time and I do it for all Riddick fans. Hope you enjoy it. Support my channel: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/deealup
‍☠️ Watch the prequel of Riddick's adventures in The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay: https://youtu.be/kRpUdhREbTw
This is a sequel оf "The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay and still takes place before the events of the "Pitch Black" movie. Following Riddick and Johns' escape from the Butcher Bay Correctional Facility, both men are deep in cryogenic sleep. Riddick wakes up early and is witness to their escape ship being dragged unwillingly into the Dark Athena, a gigantic mercenary vessel run by Gale Revas and her second in command, Spinner...
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:58 - Dream
00:02:05 - The Dark Athena
00:06:04 - Aboard the Dark Athena
00:08:00 - Lynn
00:10:17 - Mercs
00:19:41 - Sleep tight, Johns
00:20:00 - Kal Bonner from Butcher Bay
00:23:01 - Jaylor
00:24:55 - Max Dacher
00:28:03 - Ellen Silverman
00:29:53 - Deal
00:32:00 - Margo's Gold Tooth
00:38:14 - Quest for Vent Tool
00:42:35 - Exbob masturbates
00:44:21 - Quest for DataPad
00:48:53 - Desiria "Sad Eyes" Grinder
00:50:32 - Irvin Senate - Captain of the Athena
00:54:53 - Catch the Vermin
01:00:52 - Spine of the Ship
01:01:35 - Drone Mile
01:04:54 - Miles Rednox
01:07:06 - Queen Bee Mating Dance
01:09:23 - Mech Fight
01:10:35 - Mech Ride
01:14:18 - Mutiny
01:15:31 - Monster
01:20:20 - Hangar Bay
01:22:33 - Good Bye, Revas.
01:25:28 - Aguerra Prime
01:29:19 - SCAR Gun
01:34:43 - Back to the Athena
01:35:36 - Alpha Drone
01:36:27 - Ghost Town
01:39:33 - Arena
01:41:57 - Into the Ship
01:46:24 - Spinner
01:48:10 - Servants
01:51:16 - Alpha Ride
01:53:31 - When I say Goodbye
01:55:00 - Titles (Awaiting the Turmoil Song)
Developers: http://www.starbreeze.com/, Tigon Studios
Publisher: https://www.atari.com/
Категория: Фантастика

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Game Movie

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - Game Movie
3 088 871
This is a story-based video of the game "The Chronicles of Riddick: Ecsape from Butcher Bay" in the movie style:
◾️ I made my own cutscenes using a third-person view and camera angles that are not available during the walkthrough.
◾️ Some scenes are created using voice files (the voice of Riddick and other characters), unpacked from the game’s resources (they are not used in the game). So we got completely new scenes.
◾️ In addition, I completely removed the interface of the game, recorded the gameplay in a role-style, and edited sounds and music.
◾️ Added external english subtitles.
❗️ The production of such a video takes a lot of time and I do it for all Riddick fans. Hope you enjoy it. And if you want to support my channel: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/deealup
▶️ Plot:
The game takes place before the events of the "Pitch Black" movie. You will see how Riddick managed to escape from the tripple-max prison and how he got his shining eyes.
▶️ Watch the sequel of Riddick's adventures in The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena: https://youtu.be/Zizc3Dnf2fk
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:55 - Arrival at Butcher Bay
00:04:30 - Prison Walk
00:11:56 - Wanna Live - Get a Shiv
00:13:48 - Meet Rust
00:16:04 - Prison Talk
00:18:42 - Aquilans
00:20:00 - Rust
00:23:08 - Infirmary
00:26:34 - Riot
00:30:55 - The Pit
00:34:21 - How Riddick Got His Shining Eyes
00:36:53 - Wolf Among Sheep
00:42:13 - Abbott
00:42:44 - Not Bad, Johns.
00:46:05 - Place Where Sun Never Shine
00:49:05 - Tower 17
01:04:34 - Unfinished Business
01:07:58 - Sigmen Floyd
01:09:18 - To The Mines
01:13:37 - Upper Mines
01:16:58 - Jagger Valance
01:20:05 - From the Mines
01:20:54 - Riotguard
01:23:41 - Feed Ward
01:26:06 - Tower 19
01:27:28 - Rails
01:30:18 - What's Hell Without a Little Fire?
01:33:00 - Aliens
01:39:46 - Spaceport
01:41:12 - Ruin a Payday
01:44:16 - Cold Storage
01:50:22 - Mech
01:53:21 - Who is the Better Killer?
01:56:14 - Escape from Butcher Bay
01:58:23 - Titles
Developers: http://www.starbreeze.com/, Tigon Studios
Publisher: https://www.atari.com/
Категория: ФантастикаБоевик

The colorful World of Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy)

The colorful World of Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy)
170 920
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- The colorful World of Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy)
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

The colorful World of Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy) Color

The colorful World of Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy) Color
310 628
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- The colorful World of Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy)
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

The Cursed Crusade Игрофильм

The Cursed Crusade Игрофильм
443 098
Монтированное прохождение игры The Cursed Crusade

The Dark Side Of The Sun (1988)

The Dark Side Of The Sun (1988)
26 306
Рик Клейтон с рождения поражен страшным недугом. Его кожа не переносит света — как солнечного, так и электрического. С ног до головы облаченный в защитное кожаное одеяние, он даже не знает своего лица.
Но молодая американская актриса, почти случайно оказавшаяся в небольшом городке на Адриатическом побережье, покоряет сердце живого призрака и вырывает его из вечной тьмы. Любовь толкает его на безрассудство: Рик решает познать всю радость, которую дарит людям солнечный свет. За короткие три дня ему предстоит прожить свою жизнь полно и ярко и потерять последнюю надежду на выздоровление.
Категория: КомедияДрама

The Devils Rock 2011 Horor | Дьявольская скала 2011 ужасы | Самих ужасный фильм

The Devils Rock 2011 Horor | Дьявольская скала 2011 ужасы | Самих ужасный фильм
1 246
The Devils Rock 2011 Horor | Дьявольская скала 2011 ужасы | Самих ужасный
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