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Game of Thrones - Warriors of the world (Manowar)

Game of Thrones - Warriors of the world (Manowar)
69 860 140
Montage game of thrones battle of the bastards
batalla de los bastardos
juego de tronos
Manowar warriors of the world
Категория: Фантастика

Geeky Gentlemen Christine (1983)

Geeky Gentlemen Christine (1983)
19 292
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Категория: УжасыТриллерДетектив

GEN 13 The Movie

GEN 13 The Movie
1 105 242
Категория: Военный

GENERATION PLAY | Документальный фильм | ENG sub

GENERATION PLAY | Документальный фильм | ENG sub
2 973
Фильм о сфере IT. Основная сюжетная линия посвящена компании 4 I LAB, которой руководит Михаил Юрченко. Молодые специалисты на основе технологии виртуальной реальности занимаются разработкой нового продукта, связанного с медицинской тематикой. Это создание медицинских тренажеров, способствующих улучшению качества реабилитации пациентов, страдающих от поражения опорно-двигательного аппарата. В скором времени устройства виртуальной реальности станут так же популярны и функциональны, как мобильные телефоны. Вторая сюжетная линия посвящена технологическим курсам для детей в минском Дворце детей и молодежи, где основам IT-технологий обучаются дети и подростки.
Автор сценария и кинорежиссер: Игорь Чищеня,
оператор: Александр Оковицкий.
Все права принадлежат Национальной киностудии "Беларусьфильм" © 2018
Категория: Документальный

Gentlemen of Nerve (1914) - Charlie Chaplin

Gentlemen of Nerve (1914) - Charlie Chaplin
7 258
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Mabel and her beau go to an auto race and are joined by Charlie and his friend. As Charlie's friend is attempting to enter the raceway through a hole, the friend gets stuck and a policeman shows up. Charlie sprays the policeman with soda until he friends makes it through the hole. In the grandstand, Mabel abandons her beau for Charlie. Both Charlie's friend and Mabel's are arrested and hauled away.
Gentlemen of Nerve is a 1914 American comedy silent film directed by Charles Chaplin, starring Chaplin and Mabel Normand, and produced by Mack Sennett at Keystone Studios.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

German Invasion Of Russia - June 1941 (1941)

German Invasion Of Russia - June 1941 (1941)
6 382 599
Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown.
German Invasion of Russia - June 1941.
Cataloguer's note: Identical to item 'German Invasion of Russia' - UN 287 B on Pathe Master Tape *PM1669*.
Russia, Soviet Union (USSR).
VS of German Messerschmidt ME110s being bombed up and taking off. Var camera gun shots of German fighters strafing Russian airfields and dog fight shots. Planes fall blazing into field.
Various good shots of German advance over flat farm lands. Some use motorcycle and sidecars. Flowers are handed to the troops by peasant women at roadside.
Var shots of smashed and wrecked Russian fighting equipment.VS Germans crossing the River Beresina. Tracking shots through crowd lined streets with German column.
Var. good shots of dive bombers taking off and air to air and ground to air of Stukas in action dive bombing.
VS German artillery shelling town and infantry advancing under the cover. MS Man held flame thrower in action on bunker.
MS German cavalry unit receive flowers from peasant women as they ride through captured town. VS German infantry marching in column along road. Some pass smashed Russian equipment.
VS Artillery guns in action. LS as shell hits farmhouse which blows up with a terrific explosion. Var shots of German infantry mopping up snipers in town. They use a loudspeaker to call for surrender. MS Pan with three German tanks carrying German infantry as they drive forward.
(Print in UN 277 B)
FILM ID:1661.13
FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT http://www.britishpathe.com/
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website. https://www.britishpathe.com/
Категория: ВоенныйСоветские

Gladiator Film

Gladiator Film
5 791 134
Gladiator.If you want more films high quality please subscribe and enter our telegram Channel We share films with short links and safe links
Если хотите в хорошем качестве и другие филми subscribe
We share films with short links and safe links
Категория: Исторический

gladiatrici (women gladiators) all fights, HD

gladiatrici (women gladiators) all fights, HD
1 894 332
Rare HD/WS of the gladiatrix fights in the 1960s Italian sword & sandal classic 'La Gladiatrici', also known as 'Women Gladiators' or 'Thor and the Amazon Women'. So good, they named it thrice.
I've edited all the fights into one sequence, and cut out the silly cutaways to the crowd and the queen - this way you get all the good eurogirl F/F insanity.
If your amazon - gladiatrix itch needs scratching, my work:
Much is marked adult, so sign in to see those. Gallery:
Категория: Фантастика

God of War (2018). Игрофильм.

God of War (2018). Игрофильм.
19 133
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Кратос и его пенсия в полном и подробном игрофильме - God of War (2018).
• Русская озвучка (субтитры отключены).
• Полное отсутствие интерфейса.
Прошло много лет с тех пор, как Кратос свершил свою месть над богами Олимпа и даровал силу Надежды всему человечеству. Кратос покинул Грецию и ныне живёт отшельнической жизнью на далёком севере, в суровом мире Скандинавских богов и монстров, именуемом местными Мидгардом. Там он нашёл любовь в лице смертной женщины-воина Фэй, которая родила от спартанца сына - Атрея.
Приятного просмотра!
«Не извиняйся, стань лучше!» © Кратос.
#GodOfWar #Игрофильмы
Категория: Фантастика
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