Аўтар сцэнарыя і рэжысёр Віктар Аслюк.
Аператар: А.Казазаеу
Нёман падмывае бераг, на якім стаіць вёска, і хаты падаюць у ваду. Каровы не слухаюцца гаспадароў. Маленькі беларускі апакаліпсіс…
Призы и награды:
- Prize for Best Short Documentary, St.-Petersburg,
IFF “Message to man”,
- Prix-Europa for Best TV Documentary 2002, Berlin,
- Prize for Best Documentary, 7th IFF of Doc. films, Tehran, Iran,2002,
- Nomination for National premium of Russia “Laurel Branch”, Moscow, Russia,
- Diploma of Jury, 13th Open film festival of Documentary Cinema, Ekaterinburg, Russia,
- Prize for Best Short film, IFF Alpe Adrea XIV ed.Trieste, Italy,
- Grand-Prix Manoel de Oliveira for Best Documentary, IFF Vila do Conde, Portugal, 2003,
- Prize UIP Vila do Conde for Best European film, Vila do Conde, Portugal, 2003,
- Nomination for prize of European Film Academy, Best Short film 2003 (Felix),
- Grand-Prix for Best Film, IFF Doc and Short films, Drama, Greece, 2003,
- Prize of town Neubrandenburg, IFF Dokumentart, Neubrandenburg, Germany, 2003,
- Prize for Best film, IFF Piarnu, Estonia, 2003,
- Prize “Gold medal of Belgrade” for Best Foreign film, Belgrade festival of Doc. and Short films, Belgrade, Serbia,
- Prize YU FIPRESCI, Belgrade festival of Doc. and Short films, Belgrade, Serbia, 2003.
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