(по просмотрам)

А.Герцен. Былое и думы. Серия 12 "После грозы" (1972)

А.Герцен. Былое и думы. Серия 12
1 641
А.Герцен. Былое и думы. Серия 12 "После грозы"
▶Подписаться на канал "Советское телевидение": https://goo.gl/qw3iEK
Год производства: 1972
Уникальный телеспектакль, поставленный по роману русского писателя Александра Герцена, признанному шедевром мемуарной литературы. Это не просто мемуары - это зеркало жизни общества и блестяще образованного, остроумного и необыкновенно эрудированного человека, это впечатления и подробности исторических событий ХIХ века о декабристах, об Александре I, Николае I и революциях 1848 года, а также воспоминания о жене Наталье и их удивительная история любви.
Главная редакция литературно-драматических программ, 1972
Автор сценария - В. #Мартынов
Режиссер - Лев #Елагин
Оператор - Борис #Лазарев
Композитор - Альфред #Шнитке
Актер - Зиновий #Филлер (А.И.Герцен)
Актер - Эдуард #Марцевич
Актер - Н. #Сазонов
Актер - П. #Анненков
Актер - Евгений #Самойлов (Консул)
#герцен #былоеидумы #телеспектакль #литература #экранизация
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▶Подписаться на канал "Советское телевидение": https://www.youtube.com/@gtrftv?sub_confirmation=1

Фрэнки шоу Марлен Дитрих часть 1

Фрэнки шоу Марлен Дитрих часть 1
1 599
Фрэнки шоу Марлен Дитрих часть 1
Категория: Марлен Дитрих

Eine Hommage an Charlie Chaplin for KIDS (Laurel & Hardy)

Eine Hommage an Charlie Chaplin for KIDS (Laurel & Hardy)
1 541
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Note: Copyright issues are an important matter to us! We use content that has been licensed. if you feel your copyright is infringened, please send us an email so we can handle this directly. Eine Hommage an Charlie Chaplin (Laurel & Hardy)
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin: His Favourite Pastime RESTORED VERSION (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin: His Favourite Pastime RESTORED VERSION (Laurel & Hardy)
1 517
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Note: Copyright issues are an important matter to us! We use content that has been licensed. if you feel your copyright is infringened, please send us an email so we can handle this directly. Although Chaplin had only been making comedies for Mack Sennett's Keystone Studio for less than two months when this film was released in March 1914, a reviewer from Moving Picture World recognized Chaplin's merry-making talents. He wrote, "The comedian, whose favorite pastime is drinking cocktails, is clever. In fact, [he is] the best one Mack Sennett has ever sprung on the public. He is a new one and deserves mention."
Motion Picture news was also full of praise for His Favorite Pastime. Its reviewer wrote, "If there is an audience any where that does not roar when they see this comedy, they cannot be in full possession of their wits. It is absolutely the funniest thing the Keystone Company has ever put out, and this is not written by a press agent. Mr. Chaplin has introduced a number of funny actions that are original to the American stage."
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Один В ОДИН! Выпуск 4 - Ева Польна (Марлен Дитрих)

Один В ОДИН! Выпуск 4 - Ева Польна (Марлен Дитрих)
1 459
Один В ОДИН! Выпуск 4 - Ева Польна в образе Марлен Дитрих
Категория: Марлен Дитрих

Charlie Chaplin: Twenty Minutes of Love (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin: Twenty Minutes of Love (Laurel & Hardy)
1 401
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Note: Copyright issues are an important matter to us! We use content that has been licensed. if you feel your copyright is infringened, please send us an email so we can handle this directly. Charlie is hanging around in the park, finding problems with a jealous suitor, a man who thinks that Charlie has robbed him a watch, a policeman and even a little boy, all because our friend can't stop snooping.
Charles Chaplin Charles Chaplin ... Pickpocket
Minta Durfee Minta Durfee ... Edgar's Girl
Edgar Kennedy Edgar Kennedy ... Lover
Gordon Griffith Gordon Griffith ... Boy
Chester Conklin Chester Conklin ... Pickpocket
Josef Swickard Josef Swickard ... Pickpocket's Victim
Hank Mann Hank Mann ... Sleeper
Категория: Чарли Чаплин

Charlie Chaplin - IN THE PARK (Laurel & Hardy)

Charlie Chaplin - IN THE PARK (Laurel & Hardy)
1 313
Enjoy hundreds of legal movies (silent movie classics, documentaries, classic movies and more) in up to 4K quality: https://bit.ly/2Ot6CtH
----- Note: Copyright issues are an important matter to us! We use content that has been licensed. if you feel your copyright is infringened, please send us an email so we can handle this directly. In one of Charlie Chaplin's "park comedies," another tramp is causing havoc. He attempts to pickpocket Charlie, but finds nothing in his pockets. Meanwhile, Charlie stealthily goes through the pickpocket's jacket and steals a cigarette and his matches. Meanwhile, two couples are having romantic interludes on separate benches. The crooked tramp steals one girl's handbag, but swiftly loses it to Charlie when he tries to pickpocket him a second time. Charlie rescues a hot dog vendor from a thug, but deftly takes a few of the sausages with his cane. Charlie sells the stolen handbag to the other male suitor. A suspicious policemen observes the goings-on and the men realize the bag is stolen and pass it among each other. Finally Charlie presents it as a gift to the other female and receives an affectionate embrace. The bag's original owner becomes angry with her suitor for permitting her bag to be stolen. The suitor is rejected and reacts hyper-dramatically. He intends to drown himself in the park's lake and asks Charlie to assist him. He presents his behind as a target and Charlie gladly kicks him into the pond. Shortly thereafter he also kicks the other girl's suitor into the pond along with the park policeman.
Категория: Чарли Чаплин
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