Rossini: La Cenerentola - Glyndebourne Festival Opera

Rossini: La Cenerentola - Glyndebourne Festival Opera
La Cenerentola is Gioachino Rossini's version of the popular Cinderella story, an exciting mixture of comedy, pathos, coloratura fireworks and masquerade. This Glyndebourne production by John Cox captures perfectly the fairy-tale spirit of the piece, matched by Allen Charles Klein's imaginative scenery, distorted like three-dimensional cut-outs in an old-fashioned story book.

Cast: Angelina - Kathleen Kuhlmann, Ramiro - Laurence Dale, Clorinda - Marta Taddei, Tisbe - Laura Zannini, Don Magnifico - Claudio Desderi, Dandini - Alberto Rinaldi, Alidoro - Roderick Kennedy.

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